60th Annual West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum - February 2025

60th Annual West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum - February 2025



FEB. 16 - 20 WCPLF        ONSITE REGISTRATION:             for daily meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), a 2025 WCPLF Banquet ticket(s), a Souvenir bag and Booklet

SINGLE  PERSON- $140                  COUPLE  - $260


Individual daily meal tickets  can be purchased

See WCPLF REGISTRATION DESK for more details and pricing.



60th Annual West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum

Theme- “Learning Leadership by Learning Jesus”.



Good Day to our Spiritual Families and Friends Nationwide,

We are 11weeks away from the 60th Annual West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum, February 16-20, 2025, in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Our theme ‘Learning Leadership By Learning Jesus,’ is fitting for all of God’s children, for Jesus is our example. 1Pet.2:21-25… Our goal is to offer biblical assistance and guidance to our Preachers, Leaders and members concerning our struggles to ‘not belike the world, though we are in the world.’Jo.15:19, 1Jo.2:15-16

This approach for ‘Learning Leadership by Learning Jesus’ will aid in acknowledging whether people are learning from Jesus or men. What does the Word of God say about these issues? We are offering a ‘book, chapter, and verse’ response to the issues presented at this Forum.

This letter is sent in prayers and hopes that you will reply immediately as to whether you will attend the Forum. This Forum will consist of Sermons, Workshops, Panels, Songs of Praise throughout the week. There is also a Ladies Program with the same Theme. We have an opportunity to include and involve men and women who have an interest and are willing to share their talents on a Forum with their counter parts. We can all come together and magnify God and present a Forum worthy of attending, supporting, participating, and solidify one’s faith in Christ and his example of leadership.

I’m also asking you to consider encouraging more of your leadership, both men and women to attend the Forum. It has survived and has been very beneficial to many these past 59 years. I ask that we vow to not allow it to diminish or fizzle out due to the differences that arise often regarding this Forum. We can work through those and be strengthened in our stance and our faith.



 Your Fellow Servant in Christ,

Bro. Leo G. Gay/Minister,