
NLVCOC Schedule

Sunday Bible Class Schedule

Morning | 9:45am - 10:45am

Evening | 6:00pm - 6:45pm

Available Classes

  • Over 40 Class (Age 40+) | Available on Zoom: Meeting ID: 843 3687 6953
  • Under 40 Class (Ages 18-40)
  • New Convert Class
  • Outreach Class
  • Youth Bible Classes (Ages 2 - 12)
  • Pre-teen and Teen Bible Class (Ages 13 - 18)


Sunday Worship Services

Morning | 11:00am - 12:30pm

Evening | 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Available on Facebook Live and Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID #: 843 3687 6953 


Monday Bible Classes

Men's Training Class | 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Ladies' Bible Class | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Class occurs on 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month


Tuesday Bible Classes

Cradle 2 The Grave Morning | 10:30am - 12:00pm
Available on Facebook Live and Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID #: 854 4759 7678

Cradle 2 The Grave Evening | 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Available on Facebook Live and Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID #: 854 4759 7678

Teacher's Training Class | 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Class occurs on the last Tuesday of each month


Wednesday Bible Class Schedule

Morning | 10:30am - 12:00pm
Morning class is for Adults only
Available on Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID #: 854 4759 7678

Evening | 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Available Classes

  • Over 40 Class (Age 40+) | Available on Zoom: Meeting ID: 843 3687 6953
  • Under 40 Class (Ages 18-40)
  • New Convert Class
  • Outreach Class
  • Youth Bible Classes (Ages 2 - 12)
  • Pre-teen and Teen Bible Class (Ages 13 - 18)


If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to the NLVCOC Office
Business Office: (702) 648-8283 | Email:


Facebook Live Access Instructions

To watch Sunday Worship Services live, visit our Facebook page or our YouTube channel. You don't need to have a Facebook account to watch the Facebook live stream. You can also access previous sermons on both Facebook and YouTube


How to Join Zoom Meetings
Please call in or join 5-10 minutes before Bible Class starts.You don't need a sign-in or create an account to join the Zoom meetings.

Connecting to Zoom VIA SMARTPHONE

  1. Download the Zoom app from the Apple App or Google Play store.
  2. Tap on "Join a Meeting.
  3. Join the meeting using one of the appropriate Meeting ID # listed above.

Connecting to Zoom VIA COMPUTER

  1. Go to the following website: and follow the prompts.
  2. Click on "Join a Meeting".
  3. Join the meeting using one of the appropriate Meeting ID # listed above.

Connecting to Zoom VIA TELEPHONE

  1. Call (253) 215-8782 
  2. Join the meeting using one of the appropriate Meeting ID # listed above.


Zoom Meeting Rules
Please follow these rules so that we can all better participate in our Bible Classes and Worship Services and be respectful to each other.

  1. Enter the meeting with your actual name so that the teacher can recognize you. Avoid using nicknames, please.
  2. Once you have joined the Zoom meeting, MUTE your Microphone/Phone! Remember to do this to avoid background noise for all members listening. 


Making Prayer Requests
Prayer requests can be made via Zoom and Facebook in the chat during live streams of bible class and worship.