60th Annual West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum - February 2025

60th Annual West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum - February 2025

60th West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum, February 16-20, 2025 


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60th Annual West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum

Theme- “Learning Leadership by Learning Jesus”.


Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Approaching this event with the understanding and acceptance that Jesus Christ is God’s Only Begotten Son, Jesus’ proclamation that God is his Father in Heaven, who sent him to give his life as a sacrifice and ransom the souls of mankind, built/established His Church (singular) and placed salvation in it, will be the foundation upon which this Forum is predicated.

Everyone desiring to be saved from eternal condemnation must hear, believe, aMd obey Jesus. When one learns a/Jesus, believe and practice or live the things learned a/Jesus, all arguments, discussions, debates, and disagreements, if defaulted back to Jesus, will put you on the solid foundation from which you can stand, and be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Only let God move you, not any man.

At this Forum, as we seek to 'Learn Leadership By Learning Jesus,’ our goal is to ofFer assistance and suggestions to our Preachers and Leaders concerning our struggles to 'not be like the world, though we are in the world. ’ Jo.15:19, 1 Jo.2:15-16

Since man has been disobeying God since the beginning, especially when there were only two, we should not be surprised as we see mankind still disobeying God even now. This approach for 'learning leadership by learning Jesus’ will aid in acknowledging whether people are learning from Jesus or men. What does the Word of God say about these issues? We are offering a 'book, chapter, and verse’ response to the issues listed.

We can see many problems and struggles in the Lord’s Church today as many are leaving the doctrines, traditions, and patterns of the Church of Christ. We should be aware that Daniel 12:4-13 does not give us permission to move from the doctrines, principles, and patterns shown to us in the scriptures. If anything, it is dealing with faithfulness to what has already been given, established, and practiced. 'The increased knowledge is not mans ok to come up with or follow in any issues of religion that does not lend itself to the scriptures. This is the foothold many have given Satan, and it opens that door wide enough to allow chaos, false doctrines, and wor Idljytess to enter the Body, the Church of Christ. Prayerfully, we can reach some, save and persuade others to return to the Gospel they once stood for, but now have evolved and turned against, Lord willing. Tit.22-23 , Rev.2 :1 -6

This doctrine is also given for the youth of today as well. We are in error if we fall for the ideology that we must do something different fo attract the youth of today. They must hear, believe, repent, confess Christ, and be baptized just as the scriptures teach and as we did. Times may change, but the word of God endures forever. Continue in it or be condemned.

With these thoughts in mind, I now ask you for your prayers, support, and participation in the 60th West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum, February 16-20, 2025, in North Las Vegas, Nevada. More detailed information will follow very soon.


Your Fellow Servant in Christ,

Bro. Leo G. Gay/Minister,  



60th West Coast Preachers and Leaders Forum, February 16-20, 2025 


Click to get access to the ONLINE 2025 WCPLF WEBSITE Link:
